Creative studio of Yuri Vissarionov was founded in 1988.
The studio carries out pre-project research and prefeasibility study; also it works out rough and detail planning of different objects in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation and countries of the CIS:
- Reconstruction of buildings and constructions of different designation, including the regions of historical building;
- New buildings and constructions of different profile;
- Interiors of dwelling and public buildings with wide spectrum of complexity and volumes;
- Urban planning and improvement of territories
The studio is laureate of the international architectural festivals " Zodtchestvo -2002" , "Zodtchestvo-2003" (Moscow), " Interarch-2003" (Sofia); laureate of the First reward of competition of Union of Architects of the Russian Federation in public center Kurkino, 2003 g.; a permanent participant in Russian and international architectural competitions.
Architectural studio of Y.Vissarionov on ArchInfo.Ru
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